This is a general purpose yarn that I am sure you will enjoy. We wanted to have a yarn that would be perfect for knitting fine dress sweaters. This is a very nice blend of fine merino, seacell, cashmere and bison. The yarn is soft, strong and warm with a fuzzy shine. We now have it in 4 lovely colors. Dijon is a deep mustard gold color, Red Sand is a light rust reminiscent of the sand color on PEI , Creamberry is red berries with cream and Teetree is the green of one of my favourite medicinal herbs. We hope to be able to offer more colors soon. This is a lovely yarn for any project. Our friend Edith just completed the first men's sweater. It is gorgeous.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This is a general purpose yarn that I am sure you will enjoy. We wanted to have a yarn that would be perfect for knitting fine dress sweaters. This is a very nice blend of fine merino, seacell, cashmere and bison. The yarn is soft, strong and warm with a fuzzy shine. We now have it in 4 lovely colors. Dijon is a deep mustard gold color, Red Sand is a light rust reminiscent of the sand color on PEI , Creamberry is red berries with cream and Teetree is the green of one of my favourite medicinal herbs. We hope to be able to offer more colors soon. This is a lovely yarn for any project. Our friend Edith just completed the first men's sweater. It is gorgeous.
Snow Babies
The 50/50 blend of bamboo and 18 micron merino turned out to be just perfect. A 50gm skein has 225 meters of 2 ply yarn which is lots for mitts, booties and hat or a small shawl. It knits up very nicely and feels wonderful. It can be dyed but the bamboo will not take dye as well as the merino. The end color will be lighter then the dye used. This is a very nice yarn for many projects. I will try to get more pictures to post .
Monday, November 17, 2008
Nous fabriquons des fils à tricoter haute gamme en utilisant le duvet du bison canadien. Pour nous, l’amour de tricoter est primordial. Fibre-Isle se doit alors de fournir des fils qui dépassent les attentes et les exigences de nos clients.
Le duvet de bison est une fibre très fine, très chaude et très durable. Le bison offre une douceur et un confort incomparable. Cette fibre est aussi hypoallergène et sans lanoline permettant de s’en servir sans crainte d’irritations ou autres inconforts à la peau.
Nous avons aussi conçus et fabriquons de nouveaux fils à partir de diverses combinaisons de fibres. Ceux-ci se doivent de se conformer aux propriétés naturelles nécessaires à un fil doux, durable et pratique à la hauteur du bison.
Nous utilisons la laine mérino très fine de Nouvelle Zélande, le bambou de Shanghai, le seacell à base d’algues, le lyocell à base d’épinette et le cachemire des Indes.
Nos fils sont excellents pour le tricot de dentelle, foulards et châles, les poignets sans doigts, les bas, chapeaux et gants, ou autres projets. Vos créations sont assurées d’être apprécier longtemps par tous et chacun avec les fils Fibre-Isle.
Nous sommes désolés de ne pas avoir un site Internet en français et nous souhaitons régler cette situation dans un avenir rapproché.
Nous avons cependant certains de nos patrons disponibles en français.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I love knitting socks. My feet have to be comfortable and warm all the time.
I custom knit them for my family and friends. My niece Colette now shares in the fun. Good sock yarn has to be comfortable, durable, has to control moisture and, most importantly, be a pleasure to knit.
We use our superwash, lyocell, cashmere bison blend. Yummy....
Felted Shawls
I love doing lace shawls and scarves. I make my own patterns but also do traditional ones. I love the Barbara Walker collections and recently have done some by Ann Hanson.
Here are a few pictures of some of my projects.

In all the yarns we have ever touched here, at Fibre-Isle, there has always been one which was king amongst kings:
Its feel is unmatched; it’s extremely comfortable having no lanolin, which is present in sheep’s wool, so it doesn’t itch, and since it doesn’t have any lanolin, forget about buying moth balls. They won’t be eating this stuff. It is very durable, so you can wear it to your hearts content, and it won’t pill, either; and it’s the warmest of all fibers. Bison, in the winter, sleep with their nose in the wind, especially during snow storms. This should be sufficient to say that they aren’t cold during blizzards. It needs no dying, having a very nice chocolate brown colour already. Our 100% Bison fiber will be sure to make any knitting a dream come true, no matter what you want to do. But make sure to order enough to finish your projects on the first go, because all bison aren’t made equally. We wouldn’t want you to have a two-shaded scarf, now would we?